Thursday, November 1, 2012

Photo Analysis

I found this image very appealing to me because of its cool colors and strong contrast. Its forms are very organic, as can be seen in the clouds and the shape of the water. The variety in this picture comes from the different colors and they way they are contrasted with much of the bolder and darker colors on the top portion of the image and some of the lighter colors on the bottom part. There is a natural balance to the photo because of the reflection of the sky in the puddle on the bottom half. The reflection of the sky also gives a sense of balance to the image. The lighting in this picture is very interesting in the way it creates so many highlights and shadows. I liked that the shadows and highlights in the clouds really allowed the fluffy texture of the clouds to be shown. For my color scheme I pulled five different colors out of the photo that I felt were a good representation of the variety in the image. I like the cool blues and grey but the earthy tones of the green and sand balance them out.

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