Thursday, September 27, 2012

All About Looks

Today we went on a field trip to the fabric, drapery and upholstery store, "All About Looks." This is one of the few stores in Lubbock that specializes in this niche. They have been successful because they catered to a need that was present and uphold a very high quality of goods and work. The picture below is a picture of the work surface that the women at All About Looks use to lay out drapes and bedding when they do custom orders. It is a very large table with a measuring grid on top.

This is a picture of a couple chairs in the back that are waiting to be upholstered by Bobby. He has been upholstering since high school and is one of the best in Lubbock.

This is a patio chair that is also waiting to be upholstered.

In the background of this picture you can see a wingback chair in the process of being re-upholstered. A woman in Lamesa brought the chair and the fabrics in as well as legs that she hand-painted and Bobby is applying the various fabrics for her to achieve a custom look.

This is a silk fabric that they are carrying that they are currently putting on clearance to get rid of it. It is originally a two to three hundred dollar/yard fabric that is now selling for six dollars/yard because it was slow moving in the store.

This is a picture of some of the fabrics in the front of the store.

These are more fabrics that they carry in stock on bolts and are sold by the yard.

These are fabrics that can be custom ordered for customers to achieve more custom looks for their projects.

This is a picture of a plank of cork flooring. This is becoming more popular as an alternative to hardwood flooring and is widely considered to be a very durable option.

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